- 12/24/00 - Merry Christmas!!
Here's my newest ~Christmas Page~. Happy Holidays!
- 12/15/00 - Christmas is coming too fast this year! Please visit my Christmas page I made last year. (I'm still working on this year's.. :-) )
It's called
"A Christmas Wish". And do stop back soon!
- 12/13/00 - I just received this:
Thank you, Nels, that means a lot to me!! Be sure to click on the award and visit his wonderful site. He's also a fantastic interviewer for Net4TV.
- 11/26/00 - Please sign my new Guestbook. Thank You! I will be adding some of the saved archives from my previous guestbook soon.
- 11/11/00 - I have lost my Guestbook recently. Fortunately, I had saved most of it a few months ago, so a new book and the archives will be posted on my site in a few days. Please email me if you feel like writing... :-)
- 10/27/00 - I just joined my friend TBOOB's new site. Come on WebTver's... let's have some fun!
- 10/25/00 - Sorry, folks, but I have lost my JumpList in cyber space. (the i/US server appears to be down for good.)
I am working on a new page of Favorite Links, so please do visit again.
- 10/15/00 - I've made a second page for my ~Alaska Page~ and added several new links. Enjoy!
- 10/12/00 - If you're concerned about the problem of midi sites disappearing on the net, and keeping music on our webpages, please join the effort.
- 9/12/00 - My JumpList is Back!! Yay!
- 9/11/00 - Hey! I'm a Winner! I'm the 4th listed, in the Net4Tv 'Marketing Internet Tv' Contest.
I don't know what the prize is, maybe a job with Bill Gates.... do ya' think? (grin)
- 9/02/00 - Hello! September is here, and winter is right around the corner here in Alaska!
I changed my background and layout on my ~Music Page~. I love playing with transparencies on WebTv, but haven't figured out how to achieve the same effect for my pc visitors... so, there is an alternate link at top of page for them.
Also, I noticed that my JumpList isn't working again, so i/us.com must be having some trouble there. Hopefully, it will work soon.
- 8/13/00 - I just completed my newest page for my daughter, Maraya. It is called ... I Am ... I'm really pleased with it, and very proud of my daughter.
- 7/25/00 - Hello! Lots of behind the scenes work going on with my site. Folks are kind letting me know of any broken links, and I really appreciate that.
I have added lots of new links to my JumpList, and a few to Alaska Page, and Love Sites. My most recent bit of fun is this.... :-)
**I created this graphic for
Anonymomma's Mug Shots ...What a Hoot it was to do too! She gives everyone the Golden Lips Award-
Just click on the Lips and go visit her hilarious site!
 ~click for full size view~
- 7/07/00 - OOPS!! I noticed some of my counters on my pages restarted themselves at zero ... :-) I don't have a clue how many visitors I had, so I will just leave them like that.
- 7/04/00 - Happy 4th of July everyone! Have a happy and safe holiday.
I added a new doorway page design this morning. Same lovely artist - Anita (Noctua). She just reopened her site, and I had to have that page, the moment I saw it. :-) Her beautiful work graces many of my pages.
- 6/18/00 - Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies!
I have been busy cleaning up my site a bit. I changed my ~Doorway~ page, so if you came into my site through the backdoor, go take a peek. :-)
- 6/12/00 - Hello! If anyone visits my ~JumpList~ regularly, you will have noticed that I have changed it a 'zillion' times in the last week....(giggle).
I guess you could say I am a wee bit picky. :-)
Also, WebTV visitors cannot add links, as there is a glitch in the JumpList right now. They (i/us) are working on resolving the problem.
Have fun!
- 6/10/00 - Hi! I have been busy this week learning about the new WebTV upgrade. I like it!
I changed this page today. Most important, I have archived all of 1999's updates, and created a new ~page~ for them.
I also had to change my design for my JumpList. I preferred the old design, but the folks who run JumpList have improved their site, and that design is no longer available. Be sure to visit my JumpList soon, as I have several new links I will be adding this week. (my saved files are overflowing)
I switched my Tripod Ads on my pages to embedded ones versus the popups. Please let me know if you have a preference. Tripod just increased our storage capacity from 11MB to 50MB so it looks like I will be hanging around awhile. :-)
- 5/19/00 - Hello! I haven't added any new pages for quite awhile. Spring has arrived in Alaska!! Ahhhh! My wonderful host, Tripod, was having troubles last weekend, and I wasn't able to access my site....but everything seems to be okay now.
I have added new links to my Alaska page, and JumpList.
- **Special Note: Have you ever wanted to 'find' a favorite friend out here on the net? Use Dogpile search engine, and put that person's name in. You might surprise yourself... I sure did! :-)
- 4/12/00 - My JumpList works again. They changed to a new server this week. Let me know if you notice anything missing, or strange. Enjoy!
- 4/11/00 - Please visit my "newest treasure":
~My Alzheimer's Disease Help Page~ *If you have any important links to add to it, please send them my way. Thank You!
- 3/28/00 - Wow!! I just received a wonderful award from Tboob for my Love Treasures Collection!
Look at this ~> ~My Award~ I have never applied for awards, and I guess you can't apply for this one, so it is a huge honor! He has one of the best music sites on the net. Click ~> ~Tboob's Site~ and go take a peek... you won't be sorry!
Thank You For This Fantastic Award, Tboob! :-)
- 3/25/00 - Hello!! I have finally finished my ~Love Treasures Collection~! I hope you enjoy it. I changed my plans many times, but I'm happy with it at last. :-)
- 2/17/00 - Are you looking for a job? I had a bunch of job search sites saved, and was doing some 'Spring Cleaning', so hurry over to my JumpList, and check them out!
- 1/01/00 - Hello There!! Happy New Century! Doesn't '2000' feel good? :-)
Well, I don't have any new pages 'yet', but I am working on a collection of Love Pages...seven in all, and I had hoped to have them up by Valentines' Day. However, Tripod, my wonderful host, has had some major server problems lately, and so I am just grateful to still have my site. LOL! Quite addicted I am to html.
So please check back soon. You won't be disappointed. I'm not an authority on love, by any means.... but I do have some wonderful treasures to share.
...I hope you enjoy your visit, and please come again!
~return to recent notes~